This is a hidden maintenance category used to automatically track all the files marked as being licensed under a free license using the {{Other free}} template. It does not track files marked with a more specific licensing template.
Media in category "Other free license"
The following 9 files are in this category, out of 9 total.
A-spec.jpg 1,280 × 768; 33 KB
A-spec.svg 2,000 × 1,200; 982 bytes
Dufle.png 3,152 × 1,861; 53 KB
Duflegender svg.svg File missing
Gender Violent 5 Stripe.png 3,601 × 2,183; 35 KB
L4l big.png 3,501 × 2,101; 35 KB
- 388 × 320; 26 KB
- 828 × 522; 408 KB
- 653 × 653; 556 KB