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    LGBTQIA+ Wiki
    (Redirected from Armored Achillian)
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    The original armored achillean flag.
    A centered armored achillean flag.

    Armored Achillean is an inclusionist-term and inclusionist-identity. this term is used to fight against gay exclusionists. This term is similar to Gays Of the Guillotine, Unicorn Horn Uranics and Trident Torics.

    The Feminine Counterpart to Armored Achillean is Switchblade Sapphic.


    The Flag and the Coining of the Term was created on July 2nd, 2021 By FANDOM user AllieThePrince.

    On July 8, 2022, Tumblr user genderstarbucks recreated the armored achillean flag such that the symbol is centered.[1]


    The 2 same shades of light blue represents Unity and Hope, The 2 same shades of medium blue represents MLM or NBLM/MLNB, The dark blue shade represents Community, The Symbol and the Achillean in the Middle represent Solidarity between all Achilleans.


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